I'm really not sure how to begin this post. I've started and stopped writing it so many times, and at this point that I'm not even sure it will make ...
The secret to better skincare during pregnancy
With pregnancy, I was promised blushing, glowing, radiant skin (damn you, media!!!), but instead I got dull, dry, almost colorless skin. via ...
A mini escape: Astoria, Oregon
Through a combination of work, pregnancy, and life in general, I was feeling pretty beat down in the first few weeks of November. I was exhausted, ...
When pregnancy sucks….at least your bra doesn’t have to
I've always been pretty comfortable in my own skin (well, once you skip over the teenage years, that is), but I have to be honest with you guys, ...
My obsession with eggs…ahem, Bobby
What's up with your friends and the eggs? Last weekend, a hilarious group text amongst some of my closest friends went around because one of ...
The spider in my shower
Let me start by saying that pregnancy brain is a real thing. It's like your brain on mushrooms without the added fun, and with way more emotional ...
Sweat, inspiration, friendship: Empower Vancouver Retreat
I can't believe I have yet to write a recap from the EMPOWER Retreat, good thing Nicci and Genevieve did such an epic job on theirs. If you haven't ...
It’s time to tell you all the big news….
If you follow me on Instagram or Strava, you may have noticed that I have been running a lot less. You might have even noticed that I've slowed down ...
Molalla Trail Race Half Marathon – Race Recap
After a couple of really hard weeks, I went into week 10 of my pregnancy, thinking it was time to give myself a bit more grace. I continued to ...
Ultrasounds and extreme nipple chafing.
Weeks 4-7 had been particularly mild. I wasn't having much, if any nausea and the fatigue was mostly an early bed time, rather than a full on nap ...