Since becoming pregnant, it's funny how often I get asked "what's your plan?" via GIPHY This question has been in reference to a myriad of ...
Why we didn’t take a babymoon
I have happily ignored a lot of the newer traditions throughout my pregnancy - maternity photoshoots, gender reveal parties, and eventually even "push ...
Staying fit in the third trimester is….challenging
Remember earlier on in this pregnancy when I was running/walking or swimming AND doing yoga all in the same day? Remember when I said I was ...
Waddling to the finish line – 35 weeks pregnant
This morning I woke up with a start and thought to myself, "WRONG ADDRESS." My mind was somehow buzzing about the remaining thank you cards I need ...
The unconventional (ahem, perfect) “baby shower”
Two weekends ago, we had a very unconventional "baby shower." In fact, we didn't even call it a baby shower, instead it was merely a party to ...
This girl is on fire….sometimes
Over the weekend, I felt like an absolute champion...internally, I was basically referring to myself as pregnant lady on fire. Laugh all you want. I ...
Why pregnancy sucks (a little less): part quatre
First things first, I have to confess: I'm not sure why I started these posts counting in French, given I don't speak one lick of French and had to ...
Babies for Dummies
In just about three months, I'm going to be having a baby; pretty exciting, except that I know pretty much nothing about babies. I know that they cry, ...
Moving on up: one placenta’s story
I realize I'm WAY overdue for an update. It's been about three weeks since I first got the kibosh on all the fun things in life: running, lifting ...
The secret to better skincare during pregnancy
With pregnancy, I was promised blushing, glowing, radiant skin (damn you, media!!!), but instead I got dull, dry, almost colorless skin. via ...