Let me start by saying that pregnancy brain is a real thing. It’s like your brain on mushrooms without the added fun, and with way more emotional outbursts (not that I’ve ever been on mushrooms, mom). So take this post with a grain of salt.
Today, I was in the shower and this ginormous spider came a little closer to my feet than I would’ve liked. Usually spider encounters go one of two ways, I’ll either move the spindly little creature somewhere else with a tissue or cup (depending on the size of the beast) or I’ll just simply keep a close watch on it until it walks away. Because generally speaking, spiders don’t bother me.
And this one, while large by certain standards, was certainly not the biggest spider I’ve ever seen (not nearly as menacing as spiders I saw in Thailand or Bali….yikes)….and shouldn’t have been so bothersome. But for some reason, it irked me. And without another thought, I removed the detachable shower head and straight cold-blooded killer style began to hose the poor defenseless, spindly little sucker down.
After a long spray, I started to feel really bad about myself. And then slightly emotional. Why did I feel the need to just KILL that spider? What had it done to me, anyway? Jesus, who AM I? Remember what I said before?… Pregnancy brain, y’all.
As I lathered up, I stared at the spider and suddenly felt really baffled. Why hadn’t the spider actually gone down the drain? How did it not float away in the waterboarding incident? I couldn’t get over the fact it was just chilling in the corner of the shower. What the what…? And then suddenly, it started moving.
And no, I’m not joking. The f*ing spider was moving. And not just weirdly twitching like a chicken with it’s head cut off. The damn thing was still ALIVE. After I literally hosed it down, machine gun style, it was STILL ALIVE. I watched it twitching, eventually moving all of it’s little spindly legs, and then saw it make its ascent up the shower wall. And suddenly, I felt so inspired. I literally almost cried (I’m really not joking about this pregnancy brain stuff, you guys).
I decided that the spider must be a good omen. I’m in California at my parent’s house getting ready to cheer my friend, CJ on at her first 100 mile race, Rio Del Lago 100 (the very same 100 miler I was supposed to be racing this weekend…until along came baby Danger…). That spider showed so much fortitude, strength and determination…no matter what the conditions, or how tough, he was hanging on.
So this post is dedicated to CJ this weekend. CJ – I think you were in my shower today (well, a slightly more spindly version of you)…giving me some kind of mushroom trip foreshadowing of how nothing, not even a machine guy style, fire hose blast of water, can knock you down.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, you got this girl! 🙂 We’re all ready to watch you kick some 100 mile ass. Me and all your favorite spider friends.
As always, stay sweaty (and lucid) friends,
Liz says
November 3, 2017 at 3:33 pmGo, CJ, go! The spidey sense says you’re gonna rock it! 😉
Jamie says
November 4, 2017 at 6:26 amThe spider never lies!
Lindsay Ingalls says
November 3, 2017 at 8:59 pmLOL Yes pregnancy brain is SO a thing and then comes mom brain lol
Jamie says
November 4, 2017 at 6:26 amHaha, it’s such a strange and real thing! 🙂
Carla Patterson says
November 4, 2017 at 1:39 pmHah, I feel you! I had the same situation once – and god, I’m so much terrified of spiders. Had to stay calm though because I didn’t know what to do – he was quite a biggie!
Chrystal Rose says
November 6, 2017 at 10:18 amThis is hilarious! I love your twist on this whole situation 😂. Good luck to your friend CJ!