Over the weekend, one of my friends and fellow Flex & Flow Yoga instructors asked me how my relationship with my husband has changed (or whether ...
Traveling with baby: crazy awesome or crazy stupid?
To all parents who have traveled to far off lands with your little ones, I salute you. To parents who have traveled solo with your little ones, I ...
Colby’s birth story: part two
If you didn't read part one, I suggest you go back and read the disclaimer first and then decide how you'd like to proceed with this one...only make ...
Let’s all just say cheers to life!
I started to listen to the podcast, The Longest Shortest Time while I was pregnant; it’s about parenting, pregnancy, and all of the things that ...
The hash: easy recipe for new moms
One thing I could not have been prepared for when having a baby is just how time consuming it is; you end up doing a whole lot of nothing that somehow ...