Far too often I get questions from bloggers and social media influencers about how to up-level their online brands, how to get more paid ...
Tips for creating Instagram pods
It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that I'm an Instagram junkie; I don't think I could go an entire day without posting, engaging or lurking ...
Forget networking. 5 tips to becoming a better connector
Early Tuesday morning, I was lying on my mat at Flex & Flow in a supported shoulder stand (aka a block underneath my sacrum and my legs up in the ...
How are brands defining influence?
As a social media marketing and PR pro, I often get questions about what defines influence. Is it the number of unique monthly visits, comments, ...
What’s your favorite morning routine?
I was so honored to be included in FitBottomed Girls article about the morning routines of fit and successful ladies; I was in great company and had a ...
How to build your personal brand
I was so excited to share my tips on building a powerful personal brand on Sharp Heels. Personal branding and social media marketing are a few of my ...
Many, many reasons to blog….but here are 5!
There are so many reasons to blog.... Blogging can help you build a strong brand, establish leadership and credibility, build community, and ...