I was on my usual early (5:30 am) ride to the studio to teach class, and noticed how unusually dark it was and of course, I made a note to myself that it was time to pull out my bike lights. I’ll be honest, just the thought of using bike lights again for my morning rides made me a little sad because I know it means that summer is coming to an end.
But it’s inevitable. The mornings are darker, the air is much crisper, and summer is fading into fall. Pretty soon, the afternoons will start to fade into night quickly and we’ll be ditching shorts and sandals for jeans and boots. While the darker mornings and nights make me want to skip workouts and hunker down on the couch, I am working hard to fight that seasonal urge by amplifying my sweat and activity while also doubling down on my nutrition and hydration. I find that increasing my sweat and staying on top of my nutrition help boost my mood and energy levels, and fight off the urge to sit around in my sweatpants.
To amplify my activity, I’ve been adding a quick HIIT & Flow workout into my daily routine; it’s a well-rounded, fast and sweaty workout that leaves my whole body feeling stronger in just 15 minutes. And the best part is…all you need is yourself and some HIIT & Flow gliders (paper plates will also work!).
Try this 15 minute at home HIIT & Flow workout!
Mountain climbers (1 minute)
Plank tucks (1 minute)
While a good sweat certainly helps stave off the seasonal blues, good nutrition and hydration are also essential to looking and feeling your best all year long which is why I’ve committed myself all this week to the Gerolsteiner Sparkling Detox Challenge.
This is by far my favorite tradition – it’s the best way to hit reset and feel refreshed and ready for fall! And it’s so simple to follow – I’ve just been replacing all of my usual beverages with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water. That means no coffee, no wine, and no other sugary beverages for 5 days. And so far, it’s going great. I’m feeling so good, hydrated, and re-invigorated already.
This is my third year participating and I absolutely LOVE this challenge. Not only is Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water, my go-to healthy beverage, it also provides essential minerals and is free and clear of sugar and unnecessary junk.
Stay sweaty (and hydrated!) friends!
Disclaimer: I was provided with product from Gerolsteiner because of my partnership with Fit Approach. That said, all opinions, thoughts, and words are my own. I truly appreciate all of the brands that support the Sweat Pink community.
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