Just over three years ago, we decided to make a big change and moved from San Francisco to Portland. We packed up all of our belongings (and ...
Want to sparkle? Try this 15 minute HIIT workout + detox!
I was on my usual early (5:30 am) ride to the studio to teach class, and noticed how unusually dark it was and of course, I made a note to myself that ...
Life is a sprint
On Wednesday mornings, I typically wake up with the sun, and head out to the trails to run with my dog. As a small business owner, I am up nearly ...
Protein packed banana bread
Weekends around our house are often far from relaxing; in fact, they're usually pretty busy. We usually start our Saturday mornings early - before 6 ...
Five things Friday: shiit gets real
All of this talk about the importance of learning, stepping out of comfort zones, and of course, jogging down memory lane this week had me thinking ...
HIIT it: Monday moves for a sweaty and strong week!
If you're looking for a great way to crank up the intensity on your workouts - whether your short on time or just easily distracted, FFY HIIT Yoga ...
15 minute FFY HIIT Yoga Workout
I'm pretty pumped that the Flex & Flow HIIT Yoga 10 day challenge is happening this week while I'm in Lake Tahoe! It has been the perfect way to ...
The perfect yoga challenge for a snow day
If you haven't heard, we're currently under siege in Portland - a whole, whopping 2-5 inches of white, powdery fluffyness has single-handedly trapped ...
Bali birthday
When I was a kid, birthdays were a big, big deal. It was like the whole world exploded with confetti just for me. Thankfully, now that I'm older and a ...
Packing for a month is ….difficult
Packing last minute is kind of my jam. I'm not one of those people who starts packing a week in advance of a trip; instead I'm the person who packs a ...