If you've ever been to Lake Tahoe, it probably comes as no surprise that it's one of my very favorite places on earth. I've been fortunate enough ...
Dirty Half Marathon Race Recap
May and June were both big months for me in terms of running and travel. I was traveling for most of the month of May - first with a trip to ...
Self-Care for busy moms
"Let's all focus on what we did do versus what we didn't do or think we should have done," was the theme of most of my yoga classes this week. As I ...
Learning to recover better with Babbleboxx
As I started putting together my failure resume, I noticed a few common threads among all the very different items on my list. Whether it’s a run or a ...
Turning the big 3!
Just over three years ago, we decided to make a big change and moved from San Francisco to Portland. We packed up all of our belongings (and ...
2018: thank you, next
And just like that, we're three days into a brand new year. Goodbye 2018, hello 2019. Or, um, as the cool kids might say, thank you, NEXT. This ...
Portland Holiday Half Marathon race recap
I love spontaneity; I always enjoy jumping into things without serious planning. For instance, I think it's exciting to run on new trails and make up ...
What do runner’s eat?
When I'm around runners, there's always one topic that is sure to come up: food. It doesn't matter whether I'm racing, running just to run, talking ...
The BEST training partner for a Ragnar Trail relay
Now that I've stuffed my tent, sleeping bag, and running gear into a suitcase and giant, old duffel bag (thank god for Southwest Airlines!), I'm ...
Packing and ramblings: Ragnar Trail Los Coyotes here I come!
As I sit here attached to my pump (my usual bedtime routine these days), I’m trying to wrap my brain around how I'm going to finish packing for the ...