Far too often I get questions from bloggers and social media influencers about how to up-level their online brands, how to get more paid ...
Five things Friday: going coconuts!
It has been an exceptionally cold couple of weeks (for Portland, anyhow). And when its this cold and dry out, running gets especially hard...and not ...
How are brands defining influence?
As a social media marketing and PR pro, I often get questions about what defines influence. Is it the number of unique monthly visits, comments, ...
Stop restricting & get moving!
Last night we went over to a friend's house to eat vermicelli rice bowls (er, I mean, watch a football game) and while we were dishing up, a couple of ...
A No Excuses 2015
I woke up this morning in Tahoe next to my two loves - Casey and the poodle, of course - and felt really grateful for having been blessed with such a ...