Last night we went over to a friend’s house to eat vermicelli rice bowls (er, I mean, watch a football game) and while we were dishing up, a couple of folks in the room started talking about their various January “challenges.” As I listened to them talk about what they were doing and how they were doing it, I couldn’t help but think – but why? Everything they were describing about their “challenge” included some kind of restriction. You can’t have, can’t eat, you’re not allowed…for 30 days….and then you can have…and I will HAVE…..and as they continued to talk, I decided to just keep my thoughts to myself because honestly, I don’t understand the point.
When somebody else (also not a participant in their Whole30 “challenge”) asked what the point was, the response was that it is a way to get “results” and hit “restart.” Ok, hitting restart I can understand. We all need to hit restart once in awhile. But restart should literally mean restart what’s not working (ie eating too much crap, not exercising, drinking too much and too often, etc); restarting should mean getting back to a sustainable, healthy lifestyle – committing to what works, staying accountable and on top of your goals – not simply depriving yourself to see fast results (or maybe feel better about yourself for a couple weeks).
My problem with a 30 day restriction type challenge is that you’re only truly committing (whether you admit it or not) to be “healthy” for 30 days – you know deep down that you’re not going to be able to sustain the rigid eating requirements and lifestyle constraints long-term. You challenge yourself to restrict yourself in such extreme ways and then when its all over, its no holds bar, you’re eating every damn thing in sight. You’re back to your same old ways. So I challenge you all to take a different approach when it comes to challenges. And maybe I’m tooting my own horn here, but join a challenge like the January #NoExcuses Challenge instead – there are plenty out there like ours – where we encourage you to move, share, motivate and encourage rather than deprive or restrict. We believe that by reminding ourselves and one another to get moving and make better choices that we can be above diets and restrictions.
Here’s the thing. If you’re feeling restricted by something, chances are its not sustainable and you won’t stick with it long-term. If you can commit to making small changes that will have greater long-term effects over time (getting up 15 minutes early to squeeze in an extra run, swapping breakfast burritos for smoothies, etc)…well, then you’ve really got something, in my opinion.
Ok, enough of my rant. On to today’s kick ass #NoExcuses January workout. I got to the gym a little late and kept telling myself it was better than sleeping through it all together. After a long day yesterday and a late bedtime, getting up seemed impossible. The little elf devil inside me was working overtime this morning to get my butt out of that bed – chanting #NoExcuses, #NoExcuses…(STFU you mean little elf devil!!!).
And once I was out the door and moving (and after I complained to Casey about keeping me up too late listening to music), I started to feel better and knew I had made the right choice by not skipping my morning workout. Here’s what we did today if ya want to follow along!
- Eliptical intervals – warm-up 20 minutes (2.5 miles)
- Squat jumps (30)
- Push-ups (30)
- Treadmill sprints – .5 miles in 3:00
- Squat jumps (30)
- Push-ups (30)
- Treadmill sprints – .4 miles in 2:20
- Squat jumps (30)
- Push-ups (30)
- Treadmill sprints – .4 miles in 2:10
- Side lunges on glider + overhead presses with 10 lb weights (10/side)
- Mountain climbers on gliders (30 sec)
- Hamstring extensions with ActivMotion Bar
- Lunges on gliders + bicep curls with 10 lb weights (10/side)
- Mountain climbers (30 secs)
- Hamstring extensions with side to side rows with ActivMotion Bar
- Side lunges on gliders with 10 lb weights (20), reverse lunges on gliders with 10 lb weights (20), skater low lunges on gliders with 10 lb weights (20)
- Mountain climbers (30 secs)
- Push-ups (10)
- V-ups with ActivMotion Bar (20)
- Leg drops with flutter kick (30sec), criss cross (30 sec), flutter kick (30 sec)
- Handstand and forearm practice!!! HA!
Completed my plank challenge for day 1 of #sweatpink #noexcuses with a side plank, middle plank workout and today, easily covered my run! Feeling good, sticking with it!
What kind of challenges are you doing in 2015? And how do you feel about restrictions and “diets?” (Feel free to tell me I’m dead wrong…)
But before you get too mad at me, check out this cute pup we met after our workout….how can you not smile at that face?!?!
Stay sweaty friends!
Becky says
January 13, 2015 at 1:12 pmI totally agree with you and I rant about this A LOT. Sure, restricting will get results – short term, but the second you stop, it’s all coming back, possibly even more than you started with because – WOOHOO restrictions are gone let me eat ALL THE FOOD to celebrate my results!
Small changes, moderation and finding exercises you enjoy are way more sustainable.
I’m doing the #NoExcuses challenge and I just started training for my next half marathon. Race training is my best motivation – I don’t want to suffer through my races (well, not the whole time anyway), I like to enjoy them 🙂
Jamie says
January 13, 2015 at 1:33 pmI’m glad it’s not just me. I sit there and listen to people talk about this kind of stuff and I just cannot understand the thinking behind. Plus, restriction totally SUCKS! HA.
alyse says
January 13, 2015 at 1:33 pmThat face!! I die. 🙂
Angelena Marie says
January 13, 2015 at 1:34 pmI feel the exact same way! I actually have a blog post I’m working on for tomorrow about kind of the same topic. After far too many years of restricting and binging I am done with restricting. I’m now finding balance with tracking macros (just until I reach my goal) then listening to my body and finding the right balance. I am allowing for the foods I want, in moderation, and this helps me not feel restricted. No food is off limits and I love that feeling of freedom!
That seriously looks like a killer workout…makes mine look like a day at the park!! I’ll have to give it a try!
Jamie says
January 13, 2015 at 1:40 pmI’m so glad others feel this way. I felt crazy last night, like I was the only person in the world thinking…that just doesn’t make any sense…ha. I hope more people learn to say NO to restriction and say yes, to balance!
Smitha @ RunningwithSDMom says
January 13, 2015 at 2:47 pmThat DARN mean little ef devil! gets me out of bed every time. I love him and hate him!
Jamie says
January 13, 2015 at 2:53 pmhahah, you have one too!?!?!? 🙂
Marcia says
January 13, 2015 at 2:51 pmI won’t lie, I’ve probably tried every fad known to man — but the results are the same and you hit the nail on the head, restriction doesn’t work — great post!
How long is the #noexcuses challenge? I may just have to join, my am workouts consist of me bashing my alarm, repeatedly 🙂
Jamie says
January 13, 2015 at 2:52 pmJoin, it’ll last until next month! 😉 It’s really helping me stay on track… And I’m glad my rant is striking a chord
Katie @ Fit Life by Katie says
January 13, 2015 at 4:11 pmI totally agree about the restart thing! I go with listening to my body and not eating so much crap all the time haha!
Jamie says
January 13, 2015 at 4:22 pmAwesome, I swear that’s the ONLY sustainable way to stay healthy and on track year round 😉
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs says
January 14, 2015 at 3:23 pmI totally agree with all of your thoughts about these “challenges”. Why? What are you doing to set yourself up past the 30 days? (I assume, nothing).
Right now I’m cutting back on sugar and adding in fruits and veggies as part of an 8 week challenge. The hope is that you keep eating this way after because it’s sustainable. To me, that’s the most important part.
Jamie says
January 14, 2015 at 10:23 pmI hear you – do something sustainable, not short-term – and you’re better off!
Nikki@will run for pizza says
January 17, 2015 at 5:49 pmOh I could not agree more!!!! This is seriously one of pet peeves! I am SO SICK of the term “diet”. In any way, shape, or form. I just read your post about labels too and I agree with that too! I don’t understand why people think they can “restart” something and then, WHAT?! They really think they will keep weight off after they stop this “quick fix diet”?!?! I don’t get it. They aren’t learning HOW to live healthy and MAINTAIN a healthy weight/lifestyle. I just don’t get it. I feel like it is just laziness. No one wants to put in the work to make a lifestyle change and then they obviously don’t want it bad enough.
Jamie says
January 17, 2015 at 6:23 pmYES. EXACTLY. I’m so glad I’m not the only one…I work really hard on my fitness both as a runner, yogi and maintaining a weights routine. I also try to eat healthy…and stay balanced…but I love cheese, wine, chocolate, and food in general…so it’s about finding balance, living in moderation and making subtle, healthy lifestyle changes… 😉 I digress… happy Saturday!