We're an outdoor adventure loving family; we've always opted for experiences that lead to eating peanut butter & jelly sandwiches in our sturdiest ...
Milk and Miles part one: Portland to San Francisco
If you didn't already read my post about how to road trip with a baby, I suggest you go back and do so - especially if you have a baby and are ...
Traveling with baby: crazy awesome or crazy stupid?
To all parents who have traveled to far off lands with your little ones, I salute you. To parents who have traveled solo with your little ones, I ...
So in love with Vancouver!
After my experience at the Kishi Bashi concert, something had started to change. I woke up that following Friday morning with a mix of apprehension, ...
10 Reasons to take a roadtrip
I never imagined that I would like roadtripping as much as I do; when I was younger, the thought of sitting in a car for hours on end just seemed like ...
Friday Five: Things I’ve learned in Bali
Bali. The most famous island in Indonesia; the place I've inhabited for the past two weeks. Bali is a magical island with beautiful mountain scenery, ...
Packing for a month is ….difficult
Packing last minute is kind of my jam. I'm not one of those people who starts packing a week in advance of a trip; instead I'm the person who packs a ...
Golden Ultra, Day 3, a gorgeous 20K to the finish!
After a huge meal (I seriously ordered pizza with a side of french fries) and another solid sleep, we had officially made it to the last day of the ...
Jumping for joy because its Monday….
Hey, hey, hey sweaties! It's jump joy Monday with prAna and Sweat Pink so get out your seat and jump around, jump around...jump jump! I'm definitely ...