First things first, I have to confess: I'm not sure why I started these posts counting in French, given I don't speak one lick of French and had to ...
Why Pregnancy Sucks (a little less): Part Trois
I’m entering month seven of my pregnancy and can’t wait to meet the little dude who has been keeping me up at night, waking me up in the wee hours of ...
I can and I will.
Yesterday, I read and re-read this post from my friend, Sweat Pink sis, and badass businesswoman, Ariana about how she's committing to doing less in ...
Moving on up: one placenta’s story
I realize I'm WAY overdue for an update. It's been about three weeks since I first got the kibosh on all the fun things in life: running, lifting ...
Pregnancy really sucks part deux : placenta previa
I'm really not sure how to begin this post. I've started and stopped writing it so many times, and at this point that I'm not even sure it will make ...