When I'm around runners, there's always one topic that is sure to come up: food. It doesn't matter whether I'm racing, running just to run, talking ...
The hash: easy recipe for new moms
One thing I could not have been prepared for when having a baby is just how time consuming it is; you end up doing a whole lot of nothing that somehow ...
Breakfast amaranth with bananas, blueberries, and chocolate
First of all, if you don't know what amaranth is, that's ok. I have a sinking suspicion that you're not alone. Amaranth is a gluten-free, ancient ...
Homemade almond milk is easier than you think!
I had a friend in town over the weekend which inevitably meant a jam packed schedule full of playing adventure partner, tour guide and teaching and ...
Spring fever…
We had a little taste of sunshine in Portland earlier in the week and it had me in the mood for spring; I was nearly ready to start putting the winter ...
What the pH….?
Water is amazing; if you think about it, it's practically a miracle drink. It keeps our bodies hydrated and helps us function, and it's calorie-free ...
Five things Friday: going coconuts!
It has been an exceptionally cold couple of weeks (for Portland, anyhow). And when its this cold and dry out, running gets especially hard...and not ...
Getting caught up on getting caught up. [Five Things Friday]
Oh. Em. Gee. Today is December 9th...DECEMBER FREAKING 9th. If you're scratching your head or staring into your wine glass searching for answers ...
5 ways to spice up your sparkling water!
Not many people know this about me but unfortunately; I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. I almost hate admitting that I ever even drank the stuff ...
I only prick my fingers for science
I've always been interested in how what we eat can affect how we feel, how we perform, and even how we sleep. And after fuel (food and water) took me ...