If you’ve been overindulging at holiday parties or plan to start overindulging this week (like me, ahem), it’s best to make a plan of attack for continuing to tackle this sugar cookie filled season with a little much needed, balance.
And that doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym or dust off a workout DVD, you can mix up your sweat sesh with the simple addition of a BOSU Balance trainer (even better when it comes in fun colors like lime green and pink). I love the BOSU Balance Trainer because it’s effective – by combining an unstable surface with a flat one – you get an incredibly versatile workout!
Try these five moves below to get all the stability work and cardio in one workout!
BOSU Mountain Climbers:
Mountain climbers are one of my very favorite moves ever! You get core conditioning and cardio all in one.
How to: Start in a high plank (top of a push-up) with your hands on the BOSU (dome side facing up). Use your core to draw your right knee to your right elbow, then return to plank pose. Switch sides. And repeat, going as quickly as you can without comprising your core for 30 seconds. Do 3 rounds.
BOSU Side to Side Squats:
I love doing side to side squats on the BOSU Balance Trainer because you get all of the glute and leg toning while amping up the cardio!
How to: Start standing with one foot on the center of the BOSU (dome facing up). Lower into a squat position (or side lunge)and then step both feet together on the BOSU, staying low. Next step the foot off that you started with and again stay low in your squat. And repeat with the opposite leg / opposite side. Speed up the movement as long as you can stay low in your squat – and do for 30 seconds, repeating for 3 rounds total. You can even end each round with 10 squat jumps on the BOSU if you want a little extra cardio boost!
BOSU Push-Ups:
Anyone who ever attends my bootcamp or yoga classes knows that I’m a total push-up fanatic. They’re just so good for you – for core, strong arms and full body coordination.
How to: Start in high plank (top of your push-up) with your hand on the dome side of the BOSU, shoulders over wrists, core engaged, legs long and active and feet flexed. Bring your elbows in towards your ribs, lowering to halfway and then come back to plank pose. Repeat for 10-15 reps. Do 3 sets.
BOSU Jump Squats:
Nothing gets my legs and lungs burning quite like jump squats on a BOSU!
How to: Stand with feet hip-width apart on your BOSU, dome side facing up. Bend your knees, keeping your weight in your heels as if you’re sitting back into a chair, stopping just before your thighs are parallel with the floor. And then jump, landing with knees bent in squat position. Go as fast as you feel comfortable with going and repeat for 30 seconds. Do 3 rounds. If the jumps are too much, you can always just do BOSU speed squats instead (all squat, no jump!).
BOSU Ab Twists:
If you want to really challenge your core work, hop on a BOSU! These ab twisters will have your core challenged and burning in no time at all.
How to:
Sit on your BOSU, dome facing up and bend your knees 90 degrees with feet flat on the floor (lift the feet with shins parallel to the floor for added challenge). Bring your hands, palms together, in front of your chest and then lower your right elbow to the ride side, coming back through center, and then switch to the left side. Perform this movement for 30 seconds. For extra challenge, hold a weight or block in your hands.
If you want to get in on this BOSU workout action but don’t have access to a BOSU, jump on this great GIVEAWAY for the new, colorful must-have workout accessory – the BYO BOSU – hop over to Fit Approach for a chance to WIN one (today only!!!).
BYO BOSU Balance Trainer Giveaway
Stay sweaty, friends!
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by BOSU. I received the new BYO BOSU in exchange for this post but all words, opinions and thoughts are my very own. I truly appreciate the brands that support the Sweat Pink community.
Liz says
December 19, 2016 at 10:38 amOh boy, I’m already sweating just looking at this workout!
Tracey J. says
December 22, 2016 at 2:55 amMe too 😀
But I NEED that thing! It must be really cool.. I’ve heard that boxers also use those things. Oh, life with muscles, I’m coming!
Pickleball Portal says
October 20, 2017 at 10:46 amI have a bosu sitting in my basement collecting dust, never really know what to do with it, but this workout looks good. Thanks-good motivation to dust it off and give it another try!
Jamie says
October 20, 2017 at 12:56 pmSo glad to hear it, get back up on that BOSU! 🙂