While I was in Bali this past October, my roommate, Angela said something so profound it nearly stopped me in my tracks. She was describing a rough start to the day as waking up and feeling like a sideways fart. And I couldn’t help but laugh but also empathize 100%.
You know those mornings when you feel a little off but you can’t quite put your finger on why? Like you feel a little awkward and off key – as though you’re trying to force yourself into the day but don’t quite fit the way you’d like to?
Well, that’s about how I felt when I woke up this morning – a big, old sideways fart. At about 5:10 am, my alarm started going off – I promptly hit snooze – shut it off – and then it went off some more – a couple more times, to be exact. When I finally decided that enough was enough, I turned my alarm completely off and dragged my tired ass out of bed. It was final – I was going to yoga – whether I liked it or not. And that was that.
As I fumbled around in the dark trying to locate pants and a top, I just felt off. Everything already felt hard. It felt hard to drag my butt out of bed. It felt hard to find clothes that matched. It was way too hard to brush my hair (which I did NOT do, thank you very much). And it felt really hard to pedal my tired ass to the studio and make it in time for the 6 am class.
The funny thing is, the struggle had absolutely nothing to do with the early morning hour; in fact, I wake up early most days – I teach 6 am classes- but for whatever reason, this morning felt really tough.
And surprisingly enough, I don’t even think it had anything to do with my mood. I’m not even in a “bad” mood – just a weird one. I mean, how could I be in a bad mood after the night we had last night?
Nuff’ said.
Once I got on the mat and started flowing and sweating out my sideways farts, I finally started to feel a little more like myself. But even with a great class (thanks Jessie!), I still slightly unbalanced. I was literally falling out of every pose and my balance just felt extra challenged.
Since I was unable to shake out the sideways-ness 100% during yoga, I got home and made myself my very favorite breakfast ever – an Amazing Grass smoothie, of course.
And it wasn’t until I sat down to enjoy my smoothie and get busy with some emails that I started to realize that the reason I was probably feeling off was that because I have been so completely off.
Sip after sip of my delicious smoothie, I started to recount the last month. And as I did so, I realized that I was off. I had gone from a basketball, yoga and rainy running adventure in Eugene, to a snow and friend filled adventure weekend in Bend, followed by a weekend in Phoenix and am now getting ready for a retreat in Sonoma next week.
Just the travel itself is enough to make someone feel a little off. Throw in planning a retreat, a race, and a conference, all while also making a big system change to the studio– and blammo – sideways fart!
While I realize that I am blessed and that all of this is AMAZING, not to mention fun, it’s also exhausting; and it has completeley thrown me out of all of my routines. Like for instance, drinking a smoothie every morning. Like ahem, sleeping regular hours. Grocery shopping. Or just eating at normal times.
So as I prepare for another adventure filled week, I am making a pledge to myself to stick to a few routines over the course of the next few days – my cure all for the sideways fart, if you will.
- Yoga EVERY single day. No exceptions. No excuses.
- Smoothies. EVERY morning.
- Dinner at home at least four more times before I leave again
- SLEEP. Like at least a good 6-7 hours every night.
I hope that sticking to routines and committing myself to taking care of myself during this busy time will allow me to go into our EMPOWER Retreat weekend feeling more like myself.
And if you’re joining us for our EMPOWER Retreat, get excited – you’re also getting in on this smoothie magic – all attendees will be getting Amazing Grass products to take home – woot! And some Amazing Grass treats to sample as well….made by yours truly.
And for all y’all who aren’t making it this time around, we’re extending 40% off Amazing Grass products using the code SWEATPINK2017 at checkout.
Oh – and if getting smoothie magic from Amazing Grass isn’t enough to turn you into a regular old fart, EMPOWER Retreat attendees are also getting a cute adjustable Handful Bra and for those not attending, we’re extending 17% off your purchase of Handful products using the code SPRING17 at checkout. If you want to copy me, grab this bright green one!
What do you do to get out of funks? Sweat? Favorite foods? Routines?
Stay sweaty friends!
Disclaimer: Amazing Grass is a sponsor of our upcoming EMPOWER Retreat. That said, all opinions, thoughts and words are my very own. I truly appreciate all of the brands that support the Sweat Pink community.
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
March 1, 2017 at 1:39 pmbahahahaha girl I got Crohn’s. This, I get.
Jamie says
March 2, 2017 at 9:13 pmHAHAH, I LOVE YOU!
Nicci says
March 1, 2017 at 6:03 pmWe’ve got to get alll those farts out this week. Mine are pretty brutal. ;-). Nothing some Amazing Grass balls won’t cure, either.
Jamie says
March 2, 2017 at 9:13 pmALL THE SIDEWAYS farts!
Bi says
November 13, 2017 at 4:26 amWhat exactly is a side ways fart? Mine only go straight out the back door.
Jamie says
November 13, 2017 at 3:25 pmI would recommend using your imagination.